A Live Experience with Sound & Healing
Space for healing sound experiences
This Sound Healing Night is an invitation to give yourself completely to the meditative and trance-inducing sounds of wonderful instruments and voices, whether in movement or meditation.
Our concert venue PILATESLAB is a yoga and pilates studio and therefore ideally suited for this special experience. All three musicians have specialised in accompanying inner journeys and in the most sensitive form of music making- free improvisation.
After this sound bath there is the opportunity to exchange experiences with each other, to reflect together and to experience more of the musicians, their instruments and the ancient connection of music and consciousness, energy and healing.
Location: PILATESLAB Choriner Straße 31, 10435 Berlin-Mitte
Time: Admission 20 o’clock,
start of concert 20.30 o’clock
Before the concert: 18.30 – 20.15 o’clock Summer-Special-Event
Energy-exange: 20Euro, reduced 15 for the concert,
when visiting the whole event from 18.30 o’clock 40/35€
More information about the Summer-Special-Event in the Pilates-Lab, of which our concert will be the crowning finale, can be found here: https://pilateslab-berlin.com/07-09-2019-sommerspezial/
In this format, there is the possibility to experience
different – live played & sung sounds from different cultures – while lying comportable and get also in contact and touch with the instruments, which greatly enhances the effect.
After this special concert form, which resembles a sound bath or field,
there is the opportunity to share, reflect on the experience together and learn more about the musicians, their instruments, about the ancient connection of music, consciousness and healing.